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Winfield, Darlene

Winfield, Darlene

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Darlene Winfield captures the essences and nature of painting through her raw yet elegant brushwork, refined compositions, and personal contemporary colour palette.  The pond series remains a commentary on contemporary aesthetics, giving a fresh composed breath to the reflection of nature and humanities’ relationship with our environment.  The contemporary painter has a duty to imbue imagination into the distracted mind of the post-modern audience.  While many artists focus on concepts and technique, Winfield takes a lesson in history by reevaluating paint as a force of nature within itself.  The loose brushwork and cropped composition reveal a value to which high aesthetics need not be diverged by distractions and illusions.  Paint, surface, the mark of the tool will never become obsolete that to vibrant, fresh painters such as Darlene Winfield.  Winfield’s unique brushwork remains a force to be reckoned with, combined with the complex colour palette and focused composition, the paintings are a requirement for the refined contemporary eye.

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