The Shayne Gallery is the Exclusive North American Representative of Works by Leonard Creo.
Creo was born in New York City, grew up in Hollis, took courses at the Art Students League, while working in advertising. Returning after World War II, Creo continued his art studies in New York. He summered in Gloucester where he painted with Emile Gruppe.
During the 1960’s and 1970’s, Creo’s work was sold at nearly two dozen one man shows in New York, Los Angeles, London and Rome, as well as in other galleries world wide. In 2004, the New Britain Museum of Art exhibited the Len Creo painting in its collection, which led to its acquiring 15 Creo paintings in 2006. Plans are under way to exhibit those recently acquired at the Bushnell Center in Hartford, Ct. Creo’s work is in the permanent collections of the Washington Museum of Fine Arts, New Britain Museum of American Art; Amherst College Museum, Georgia Museum of Fine Arts; Long Beach Museum of Fine Arts; Norfolk Art Museum; Syracuse University Museum;.Ulrich Museum; University of Maine; NYU, University of Wyoming Museum; Washington Museum Of Fine Arts.
His one-man exhibitions include ones at the Shayne Gallery, Montreal in 1981-82,1985,1989, and annually from 1991-2005, and 2007; seven at the Portal Gallery in London in the 1960s and 1970s, three at the Madden Gallery in Londonin the 1980s; ten at the Carter Gallery, Los Angeles from 1959-76; six at ACA Gallery in New York and three at the ACA Gallery in Rome during the 1960s & 1970s; five at the Chase Gallery, New York in the 1950s and 1960s, and three at the Galleria Margutta. His website lists additional one-man shows in Mexico City, Florence, Milan, Santa Barbara and England.
All Artworks

Across the Pond
30" x 34"
Oil on Canvas

Daily Daisy
36" x 48"
Oil on Canvas

Line Dancing
18" x 30"
Oil on Canvas

Four Girls on The Run
10" x 15"
Oil on Canvas Board

Marching Along
34" x 30"
Oil on Canvas

Do a Little Dance
10" x 16"
Oil on Canvas Board

4" x 20"
Oil on Canvas Board

4.75" x 21"
Oil on Canvas

Life's Work II
30" x 40"
Oil on Canvas

11" x 20"
Oil on Canvas

Tug of War
22"x 24"
Oil on Canvas

Swing Set
8" x 12"
Oil on Canvas Board

Creating my little girls with yellow hats
22″ x 24″
Oil on Canvas

Home in the Hills
30″ x 26″
Oil on Canvas

Tango B
16" x 8"
Oil on Canvas

22" x 26"
Oil on Canvas

16" x 21"
Oil on Canvas

Tudor Manor
35" x 30"
Oil on Canvas

30" x 26"
Oil on Canvas

Home Quartet
18" x 24"
Oil on Canvas

Folk Dancing
26" x 30"
Oil on Canvas

Painting a Portrait
24" x 18"
Oil on Canvas

Minyan II
16″ x 20″
Oil on Canvas Board

16″ x 20″
Oil on Canvas Board

Carbon Copy
16″ x 16″
Oil on Canvas Board

7 girls
19.5″ x 7″
Oil on Canvas Board

Red Flower
18" x 14"
Oil on Canvas

Merry Go Round
26" x 30"
Oil on Canvas

8" x 16"
Oil on Canvas Board

Birthday Girls
22" x 18"
Oil on Canvas Board

Surf's Up
18" x 34"
Oil on Canvas

Building a Sandcastle
Oil on Canvas
36" x 24"

14" x 30"
Oil on Canvas

Over the Hill
38" x 34"
Oil on Canvas

Hockey Girl
6" x 4"
Oil on Canvas Board

Bass Player On
9" x 6"

8" x 6"
Oil on Canvas

How do you Do?
8" x 6"
Oil on Canvas Board

8″ x 5″
Oil on Canvas Board

By the Light of the Moon
12″ x 10″
Oil on Canvas Board

8″ x 5″
Oil on Canvas Board

8″ x 6″
Oil on Canvas Board

Are you being Served
14″ x 12″
Oil on Canvas Board

The Kiss
8″ x 6″
Oil on Wood

Purple Bows
9″ x 24″
Oil on Wood

8″ x 6″
Oil on Canvas Board

4 in a Row
8″ x 16.75″
Oil on Canvas Board

Holding Hands
12″ x 24″
Oil on Wood

Hat Vack's Horse
14″ x 22"
Oil on Canvas Board

9″ x 24″
Oil on Wood

Ring around
20″ x 16″
Oil on Canvas Board

La Diva
22″ x 26″
Oil on Canvas

Swing in the Gate
26″ x 30″
Oil on Canvas

On the way to school
32″ x 22″
Oil on Canvas

Women in the Window
24″ x 12″
Oil on Canvas

Red Houses in the Distance
18″ x 22″
Oil on Canvas Board

In the Studio
18″ x 34″
Oil on Canvas

18″x 30″
Oil on Canvas

16" x 20"
Oil on Canvas Board

Mini Putt
14" x 18"
Oil on Canvas

We are Family
18" x 34"
Oil on Canvas

Ring Around the Rosie
18" x 34"
Oil on Canvas